“Empowering Our Community: Uniting to Self-Organize for Savings, Sustainability, and Strength!”

Welcome to Ferdinand Commons, our local online, interactive community center or Commons Community, an online platform that provides small rural towns like ours with a local online connection.

The Commons is a little bit Facebook and a little bit local bulletin board. It serves as a hub for community announcements and communication and carpooling, designed with small towns like Ferdinand in focus.

Carpool Destinations: Jasper, Huntingburg, Louisville, Evansville, and more
Google Map Link

Ferdinand Commons Intro (<3 mins)
New! Public Business Listings!

Out of all the towns in the USA, Ferdinand is one of only two chosen as a Pilot Program for The Commons! Consider Ferdinand Commons our community hub! It serves as a centralized hub for Ferdinand residents to connect, communicate, and collaborate on various initiatives.

Whether it's organizing events, sharing rides, sharing resources, or simply reaching out to neighbors to see how we can help, this platform offers to be the heartbeat of Ferdinand. Ferdinand Commons facilitates a strong neighbor support network where we can help each other share rides, share skills, share tools, barter, and provide a helping hand when needed. From small favors to significant support, Ferdinand Commons encourages a culture of mutual aid.
Ferdinand Commons Intro (<3 mins)

Embracing a common love for the beautiful natural environment that we gratefully live in here in Southern Indiana and longing to protect and preserve it, Ferdinand Commons incorporates a robust ride-sharing feature for sustainability.

Residents can easily coordinate transportation, which reduces individual carbon footprints as this resource empowers Ferdinand residents to work collectively towards preserving and protecting the natural beauty of our natural surroundings.

Small rural communities like ours (under 3000) have little to no public transit, however now, the creative potential of small communities is being unleashed. We can strengthen our connections, become better neighbors, save money, our natural resources and live an even better life–all with a little help from the Ferdinand Commons site.

The easiest way to save is to use the Commons Carpool tool, which lets us self-organize longer trips, to places outside of our micro region with other members of our community.

By planning and coordinating, we can cut those travel costs in half or more. If any of us commute to Jasper or Louisville, the Commons Carpool might help you find others who also do. Need to stock up supplies? Join someone headed to Evansville and share a ride! Attending a concert in Bloomington? Find someone to share the cost of the trip and sing along with your favorite songs!

The Commons Classifieds can help you find or offer local services, or borrow or rent a neighbor’s machines, tools, or time. Want a music lesson, or to give away your piano? Having a yard sale? Giving away tomato plants? Post in the Classifieds!

The Commons Messenger lets us send messages, questions, and notifications directly to other members (“Really? I can have your piano just by picking it up?”) No need to filter through ads or faraway locations.

The Commons feels more like an old-fashioned Community Bulletin Board for just our neighborhoods. Our locally run businesses and organizations can list their services and products, like the old phone books’ Yellow Pages, but now searchable by any Ferdinand Commons member in our online directory.

Let us know what’s going on by sharing upcoming happenings on our event calendar! Any Member of the Commons can list musical performances, theatre, festivals and Special Events of all kinds in the Ferdinand Commons Calendar of Events.

Throughout, there are options for messaging and communicating with the other members of our community, as much or as little as you choose to do.

Every Commons Town has a Manager (in this case, us, Aim Me and Renee,) who acts as coordinator, and “connecter,” and cheerleader. “Hooray! It’s all FREE! C'mon Ferdinand, let's make our pilot a big success by signing up for FREE membership and start connecting in greater ways with our neighbors as we strengthen community, save $$$ and protect our natural resources by sharing our resources!” Can you tell we are excited to introduce you to Ferdinand Commons? (thanks for letting us practice our cheerleading :D)

The Commons Communities platform is excited to present Ferdinand Commons to the vibrant community of Ferdinand, Indiana!

We believe in the power of connection to strengthen the bonds that make small towns special. Our goal is to provide a platform that not only connects neighbors but also contributes to the overall well-being of the community. By fostering collaboration, supporting one another, and protecting our natural resources, we aim to make Ferdinand an even more resilient and thriving town.

To join the movement and experience the benefits of a more connected community, become a member at ferdinandcommons.com

Sign up now!

-- Renee and Aim Me

Manager, FerdinandCommons.com
“Community is found in Common Ground”

Who can join FerdinandCommons.com?

Ferdinand Commons is for residents of Ferdinand, Indiana and the Ferdinand micro region: basically, folks from Ferdinand, Dale, Johnsburg, Mariah Hill, St. Henry, St. Meinrad, Bretzville, St. Anthony, St. Marks, Schnellville, Birdseye, and Mentor community members, businesses and organizations... and anyone who describes where they live or work as “near Ferdinand.”

In short, “Anyone who lives in or near Ferdinand, anyone who grew up near Ferdinand, anyone who shops in Ferdinand, anyone with business in Ferdinand, and anyone who returns yearly or more to Ferdinand.” No fake folks, please -- we want to stay centered on our home region. If you do NOT fit those descriptions, please don't sign up as a member. Instead, visit the Commons Communities site. If you are interested in a Commons community in your own small town, please email us at manager@ferdinandcommons.com, and we will get you more information.

Useful Documents:
Frequently Asked Questions about the Commons (Web page)
Member Guide to the Interface (8 pp., PDF)
Commons Communities Home Page
For more info: manager@ferdinandcommons.com